Additional Info for the Precision Training Ball
The CueSight Training Ball. "Hit the shot with two tips of right english.” What does this mean? A very good player will know what it means to them and will see the exact spot on the cue ball that represents “two tips” distance. Most beginning to decent players have trouble with instructions such as these. The CueSight Training Ball is designed to help you learn exact tip placement on the cueball. Cueball control is a key skill in attaining proficiency in billiards. Billiards instructors know that most players do not hit the cueball in the spot that they intended to. This is caused by improper alignment, poor stroking technique, and poor spatial awareness among other things. Because the CueSight Training Ball is divided into specific and accurate sections it will allow you to see exactly where you hit the cueball and how far off the intended striking point that you actually hit the ball. Seeing this information in real time allows you to make proper adjustments and quickly figure out which aspect of your technique needs correction. For the purpose of this instruction the tip starting point will be at dead center and any other position or offset from center will be referred to as distance and direction as follows; 1 Tip Right, 1.5 tips High Left. For your convenience the direction is marked along the perimeter of the training area on the Precision side of the ball. Starting with the white circle on the center of the ball. This circle represents the farthest out that you can hit the cueball without miscuing. A miscue results when your tip glances off the edge of the ball instead of contacting the ball fully. The area of tip that contacts the cue ball is commonly known as the contact patch. As the tip moves farther away from center the contact patch becomes smaller. On a solid colored ball it is difficult to visualize the farthest point you can go without miscuing. Thus we have provided a visual aid to train your senses and muscle memory when addressing the cue ball. On that precision side of the CueSight Training ball you will see a a radiating series of circles. Each circle is 3.25mm from center to center and represents a tip movement of ½ of a 13mm cue tip. Cue tips for pocket billiards are generally 13mm in diameter and you will often be instructed to add a “tip's worth of english (spin)”. Using the precision guide on the CueSight Training ball you can easily see exactly where a tip's worth of spin is and what it does. With this ball you can target any place on the face of the ball and see within a half tip's position how accurately you hit the ball. This is especially helpful when you are working on tricky position shots to ensure that you are hitting the ball in the right place each time. When you know that you are hitting the ball exactly where you want to then you can work on speed control instead.
On the spin side the lines are 13mm apart and centering your tip to each line represents a full tip of offset. As you can see moving a full two tips away from center puts you close to edge of the safety area of the ball. When you know this and have trained your self to see and feel this distance you will greatly reduce your instance of miscuing while enhancing your ability to hit the ball with the maximum amount of spin when you need to. This is especially effective when you want to apply a lot of reverse or top spin. The center stripe on the CueSight Training Ball is there to give you a visual guide for hitting the ball with no sideways spin. You can easily see when the line has a wobble that you have hit the ball to the right or left of center. Being able to hit the cueball with no sidespin is a critical skill. It is a common mistake among players to unintentionally add a little sidepsin when they intend to not use any. Using the CueSight Training Ball you should be able to work out the kinks in your delivery that are causing unwanted sidespin. Thus you can put exactly the amount of spin that you need to and none at all when you don't. This is the foundation for cue ball control, which in turn is the secret to high level play. The very best players make the game look easy because they excel at positioning the cue ball to give them high percentage shots from ball to ball. Some starting drills: Using the Precision Side it is best to start with trying to hit the ball with zero spin and see how close to center you can hit the cue ball. The ball should travel up and down the table in a straight line back to your tip. Pay particular attention to the resulting path of the cue ball and how it corresponds to where you actually hit it. Going into the exact mechanics of the stroke along with cause and effect is beyond the scope of this booklet but you can observe where you are hitting the ball and make corrections as you go. If you find that you cannot make corrections then you need to seek a good instructor who can observe your mechanics and correct them accordingly. The next drill is to hit the cueball into the middle of the end rail at each point on the Precision side with medium speed and observe where it goes to. Pay particular attention that you are hitting the cue ball in the same spot each time so that you can repeat the positioning of the cueball. This drill will teach you to accurately judge how much spin to use when you want the cue ball to go to a certain spot after hitting a rail. This skill is especially needed for kick shot where you have to shoot the cueball to the rail first when attempting to contact the object ball. Front-hand English is when you move your bridge hand to line up with the intended striking point on the cueball. Back Hand English is when your bridge hand remains stationary and you move your grip hand in order to direct the tip to the intended striking point. There are effects in billiards called deflection, swerve, and squirt. Essentially these are all effects that make the cue ball go off the line of aim. A detailed explanation of how these effects occur is also beyond the scope of this booklet. However, using the CueSight Training Ball you can far more easily learn what these effects are, see them in action, and learn to compensate for them. These effects are dealt with differently depending on the style of English that you use. This is a drill to get you familiar with Back Hand English. Set up a straight in shot to the side. Now pocket the ball while hitting the cue ball at each dot on the Precision side with medium speed. Pivot your grip hand to address the cue ball at the spot you want to hit the cue ball at. Pay attention to how the cue ball reacts, check to see that you hit it where you intended to. Do the same with Front Hand English, where you move your bridge hand to the desired spot. You will notice that the result is different. This is because with Front Hand English one must compensate for deflection. Deflection/Squirt: this is when the cue buckles slightly and pushes the cue ball off the line of aim. When a cue ball is struck to the left or right of center the cue will bend slightly and give the cue ball a slight sideways movement before propelling it forward. In order to make the cue ball arrive at the intended spot this effect must be compensated for. Front Hand English requires that the shooter do this primarily by trial & error and instinct. Back Hand English is a method of canceling out the deflection effect with a cue pivot. Swerve: This a slight curving or masse' effect where the cue moves forward to the right or left of the center aiming line and then curves gently back towards center. This happens when the cue stick is striking the cue ball from an elevated position.